Source code for fhiry.base_fhiry

 Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Eapen

 This software is released under the MIT License.

import pandas as pd
import json

[docs]class BaseFhiry(object): def __init__(self, config_json=None): self._df = None # Codes from the FHIR datatype "coding" # (f.e. element resource.code.coding or element resource.clinicalStatus.coding) # are extracted to a col "codingcodes" # (f.e. col resource.code.codingcodes or col resource.clinicalStatus.codingcodes) # without other for analysis often not needed metadata like f.e. codesystem URI # or FHIR extensions for coding entries. # The full / raw object in col "coding" is deleted after this extraction. # If you want to analyze more than the content of code and display from codings # (like f.e. different codesystem URIs or further codes in extensions # in the raw data/object), you can disable deletion of the raw source object "coding" # (f.e. col "resource.code.coding") by setting property delete_col_raw_coding to False self._delete_col_raw_coding = True if config_json is not None: try: with open(config_json, 'r') as f: # config_json is a file path self.config = json.load(f) except: self.config = json.loads(config_json) # config_json is a json string else: self.config = json.loads('{ "REMOVE": ["resource.text.div"], "RENAME": { "": "id" } }') @property def df(self): return self._df @property def delete_col_raw_coding(self): return self._delete_col_raw_coding @delete_col_raw_coding.setter def delete_col_raw_coding(self, delete_col_raw_coding): self._delete_col_raw_coding = delete_col_raw_coding
[docs] def read_bundle_from_bundle_dict(self, bundle_dict): return pd.json_normalize(bundle_dict['entry'])
[docs] def delete_unwanted_cols(self): for col in self.config['REMOVE']: if col in self._df.columns: del self._df[col]
[docs] def rename_cols(self): self._df.rename(columns=self.config['RENAME'], inplace=True)
[docs] def process_df(self): self.delete_unwanted_cols() self.convert_object_to_list() self.add_patient_id() self.rename_cols()
[docs] def process_bundle_dict(self, bundle_dict): self._df = self.read_bundle_from_bundle_dict(bundle_dict) self.delete_unwanted_cols() self.convert_object_to_list() self.add_patient_id() self.rename_cols() return self._df
[docs] def convert_object_to_list(self): """Convert object to a list of codes """ for col in self._df.columns: if 'coding' in col: codes = self._df.apply( lambda x: self.process_list(x[col]), axis=1) self._df = pd.concat( [self._df, codes.to_frame(name=col+'codes')], axis=1) if self._delete_col_raw_coding: del self._df[col] if 'display' in col: codes = self._df.apply( lambda x: self.process_list(x[col]), axis=1) self._df = pd.concat( [self._df, codes.to_frame(name=col+'display')], axis=1) del self._df[col]
[docs] def add_patient_id(self): """Create a patientId column with the if a Patient resource or with the resource.subject.reference if other resource type """ try: # PerformanceWarning: DataFrame is highly fragmented. This is usually the result of calling `frame.insert` many times, which has poor performance. Consider joining all columns at once using pd.concat(axis=1) instead. To get a de-fragmented frame, use `newframe = frame.copy()` newframe = self._df.copy() newframe['patientId'] = self._df.apply(lambda x: x[''] if x['resource.resourceType'] == 'Patient' else self.check_subject_reference(x), axis=1) self._df = newframe except: try: newframe = self._df.copy() newframe['patientId'] = self._df.apply(lambda x: x['id'] if x['resourceType'] == 'Patient' else self.check_subject_reference(x), axis=1) self._df = newframe except: pass
[docs] def check_subject_reference(self, row): try: return row['resource.subject.reference'].replace('Patient/', '') except: return ""
[docs] def get_info(self): if self._df is None: return "Dataframe is empty" return
[docs] def process_list(self, myList): """Extracts the codes from a list of objects Args: myList (list): A list of objects Returns: list: A list of codes """ myCodes = [] if isinstance(myList, list): for entry in myList: if 'code' in entry: myCodes.append(entry['code']) elif 'display' in entry: myCodes.append(entry['display']) return myCodes